The Apostles Residents' Association
The Apostles Residents' Association

Tidy Apostles

The Apostles is a great place to live but it's not the tidiest place at times - particularly after the weekly refuse collection. We have been liaising with the Council to improve the standard of service we receive from our street cleaners. The Council have promised that each Apostles street will receive a litter pick on the day after the refuse collection. We'll be monitoring this to ensure that standards do improve with this new commitment from the Council. If you notice excess rubbish, fly tipping, overfull bins, graffiti etc you can report this to the Council. You can either report an incident on the Council's webiste by visiting their litter, fly-tipping and street cleaning page or by calling them on 020 8274 4901. 

Japanese Knotweed

The ARA is aware of a case where a local resident had to deal with the plant called Japanese Knotweed, which had colonised a part of their garden. This is a non-native invasive herbaceous plant species the control and removal of which has legal ramifications of which all householders should be aware. The following Merton council and government web pages give guidance on identifying the plant and what you need to do should you find this plant is present on your or a neighbour’s property.


If you discover Japanese Knotweed in your garden, please let us know - see Contact Page.  We need to be sure to eradicate it.  


  • Alleygates

One of the most effective ways of reducing the risk of burglary is by installing a locked gate to the alleyways thus preventing burglars from gaining access to the rears of our properties. (Most break-ins occur from the rear.) A majority of the alleyways in the Apostles' roads now have gates. For this protection to work effectively, it does require all alleyways to be locked in this way.

The London Borough of Merton provides a grant of 45% of the cost to assist in erecting such gates. The conditions for the grant are 1) That it is not Council property 2) At least 90% of people should agree with the proposals 3) There should be no objections. For more information contact Joe Adigwe at Merton Council (020 8545 4786).

  • Home Security Surveys

As we go into autumn, please be aware of how you can keep your property and belongings secure. Dundonald Safer Neighbourhood offers FREE home security surveys on your property giving crime prevention advice on your property. Call 020 8721 2450 or email to arrange a visit.

  • Tips
  1. Doors, windows and side gates – lock them when you go out, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
  2. Sash windows - insert a bolt that goes through both window frames to secure the sash windows from being lifted open when locked.
  3. Lock up when you go to bed - put keys where you can find them quickly in an emergency but keep them out sight and away from the front door to prevent letterbox burglaries.
  4. DON’T leave a spare key concealed outside the house - burglars know where to look.
  5. DON’T let people see into your home - put up net curtains or draw curtains and blinds.
  6. When you go out make it look as if your house is occupied - consider leaving lights and a radio on a timer switch.
  7. When you buy expensive new items such as a TV or presents, don’t leave the empty box by the bin as an advertisement to burglars.
  8. Lock your garden shed with a decent secure lock.
  9. IMMOBILISE - keep your mobile phone safe - all major mobile phone networks have systems in place to ensure that stolen mobiles are blocked within 48 hours. You can register your phone and other items at

Police Contact Numbers

In an emergency (e.g. the suspect may still be at large) 999. The police non- urgent number is 101. To contact our local Dundonald Safer Neighbourhood team 020 8721 2450.

Building 'Rules'

We believe that builders must act responsibly and sensitively to neighbours and these are rules we would like to see adopted in our roads:

  • Keep noise to a minimum at all times.
  • Maintain a tidy area around the residence/road. Skips should be covered outside of working hours.
  • Building supplies must be kept on private property, not on the road or pavement.
  • Neighbours should be informed of scaffolding before it is delivered and large deliveries ahead of time.
  • Pavements and road areas must be protected from damage due to building works e.g. mixing cement, sawing wood.
  • Keep weekend working to a minimum and obey laws on hours to be worked.

Raynes Park Community Forum

The London Borough of Merton maintain a webpage with details of the Raynes Park Community Forum meetings. 


Link to Raynes Park Community Forum (links to

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